Thursday, May 21, 2009

Part Two: Chapter Three

“Seanathair, I’m going to go over Alicia’s house tonight, will you be OK?” he lolled his head to the side and caught her eye. He gave her a lopsided grin and pulled the pad of paper he kept on the end table towards him.

“Write it down so I don’t forget,” he mumbled as best he could, “and I will be fine.”

Kaylin gave him a warm smile and quickly scribbled down Alicia Rizzman’s name and address in her big, loopy handwriting. They both knew her father wouldn’t be home before she would be, but keeping up pretense was important to them both. There had been a lot of talk recently about the plant her father worked for shutting down, so his nights were spent at the bar with coworkers drinking their worries away.

“You look nice today, Kayliree,” he noticed, using a pet name for her he had been using more recently, “have fun.” Her grandfather wasn’t around much during her young years, but after moving in with Francis and Kaylin, he found that his granddaughter was a bright, patient, beautiful girl. She sat still during mass and not only listened to his ramblings, but asked questions, too. After the stroke, he realized how much his son neglected the girl for his work and friends, and tonight he was glad to see her get out and act her age for once.

“Thank you Seanathair,” Kaylin said and ducked out.

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